Visualisation of multiphase flows
The determination of flow regimes and gas holdup (e. g. in pipes) is a frequently encountered problem in process diagnostics. A wire-mesh sensor can solve this task comprehensively. Wire-mesh sensors are robust and allow a detailed analysis of flow structure with high temporal and spatial resolution.
Application examples are test facilities for power engineering, oil and gas production as well as chemical and process engineering. Beside the investigation of pipe flows also more complex flow domain geometries, such as square ducts or cross-sections with inserts, do in principle not pose problems for wire-mesh sensors. Also for this we have already provided many customer-specific solutions in the past.
Further information and publications on the application of wire-mesh sensor systems can be found at the web pages of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR).
The investigation of multiphase flows can also be done with non-intrusive tomographic imaging techniques. HZDR disposes of an ultrafast X-ray tomography system, which achieves frame rates of up to 8,000 images per second for scanning transient flows up to 3 m/s and a high-resolution gamma ray tomography scanner for time-averaged cross-sectional imaging. Both systems can be employed for customer-specific flow investigations via HZDR Innovation GmbH.